Nor is it Fordham's fabled Blocks-of-Granite.
No, this motley bunch is the editorial staff of the Paris Review, circa 1965. George Plimpton is, obviously, bottom left; to his right, Thomas Guinzburg; top left, William Pène du Bois; top right, Donald Hall. I found this picture at the Paris Review blog, noting Guinzburg's death last week, at 84. He was one of the Review's founding editors, and of the four pictured, only Hall, a poet and former Laureate of the U.S., remains.
Also read that the new, reformatted Review rolled out a few days ago. They also have a new editor in Lorin Stein. Since the death of Plimpton in '03, they've seemed a bit rudderless—this is, after all the second redesign, and third new editor, in those 7 years. Here's hoping the new regime, and the new look, has at least half the panache and integrity as the original—they have a hell of a legacy to live up to.
I've been reading the blog... also, Lorin Stein's introduction to the fall issue.
ReplyDeleteWe should pick up a copy. I believe him.
I love this picture. I think the same spirit is alive in so many of the small presses and lit journals thriving right now.
Integrity. Key word, there, in your last paragraph. Do you remember meeting that kind and wonderful couple at the AWP booth for Beloit Poetry Journal? What you said, just made me think of them...
Anyway. Thanks for this. SUCH a great picture. Here's one that survived, who's legacy is that: integrity. Curious to pick up a copy, see if it reads and feels that way. Paris Review was where I first read Bruce Bond and Karen Volkman, remember? Glad for that.